Website Translation

Two Translation Agencies and a Tech Firm at your service
Translation Agency

Assisting financial and legal firms extend their message to a global audience.

Financial and legal translation agency for asset managers and other fund industry actors, banks, insurance professionals, law firms, Big Four, and more.

Translation agency

Communicating to all your clients, in their own language, in a way that makes sense. 

Creative and corporate translation agency for sectors such as automotive, high-tech, lifestyle, fashion, publishing, tourism, and more.

Translation Agency

Innovating in Translation Management Softwares & Machine Translation.

Language technologies aimed at making the management of multilingual content easier by investing in software development and automated translation.

Factors that affect the cost of website translation

Understanding the variables

The cost of website translation can vary significantly based on several factors. The first is the volume of content to be translated. Larger websites with more pages will naturally cost more to translate than smaller ones.

Complexity and expertise of website translation

The complexity of the content also plays a role. For instance, technical, legal, or financial content requires translators with specialised knowledge, which can increase the cost. Peter & Clark, with its expertise in financial and legal sectors, understands this intricacy and ensures precision in your website translation.

Language pairs

The language pairs involved can also affect the cost. Some languages are more expensive to translate due to supply and demand dynamics in the translation market. However, Peter & Clark offers translation services in all languages, providing a one-stop solution for businesses and eliminating the need to work with multiple vendors. This comprehensive service can significantly simplify the translation process and provide a more consistent output, ultimately delivering better value for businesses.

Technology and process

The technology and processes used for translation can also impact the cost. Advanced translation management systems like Peter & Clark's iTMS can streamline the website translation process, optimising and reducing the costs, and ensuring end-to-end data security.

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